Friday, 20 February 2015

Thank you for coming last night 19/02/2015

It certainly was a different place we met yesterday, after the very annoying conversation of the afternoon with the Club Director they did accommodate us after all. Different from the full hospitality provided at the THT's Pop Up shop in January.
Yet it brought a few people who may have just been attracted to the venue. Perhaps you are not fully acquainted with GPN so:
The Gay Professional Network is your platform to promote your cause, your business, venue and yourself. It  helps your further your business or career and makes meaningful business and social contacts. You get connected, proactive and productive.

It is also a get together of like minded people who enjoy meeting other people. All very nice people in a relaxed atmosphere.

You may want to read a few facts, such as how far reaching we are,  about GPN, your Network, here. We are now several million in the world!

To be a fully fledged member of  GPN cost  £1 a day, £ 5 a week, £20 a month or £200 a year payable on a recurring basis which gives you FREE registration to all the networking events, including those in the City.  If you are ready for this, proceed here.

There are many advantages to be a member such as free legal, financial or events consultation and free entries to many clubs and soon discount and other perks. (Registration/membership does not necessarily include drinks and canapes, we rely on the venues to sponsor this in exchange of considerable publicity to our Network worth several thousand of pounds, we try to support venues owned and managed by LGBT people)

It was good to meet new and old friends and have a convivial and productive evening.
Thanks to your generosity we raised £165 yesterday for Positive East

I trust you made some very useful contacts last night. Pictures from last night, apart from here are on Beatrice Colbrant's page, thank you Beatrice.

If you don't know what I do and feel inclined to discover more about me please read more about my various activities here.

You are welcome to connect with me on any of the platforms below.

I very much look forward to seeing you again soon.

Happy clicking, enjoy the wonderful weekend ahead and see you soon!

Yours truly, 
