Had my memoir Conversations with a Blank Canvas published in June. I have attached a press release about it just in case it might be interest to members of GPN as I talk about my identity growing up in a tightly knit small Welsh Jewish community and the various issues around my sexuality and not 'belonging' - this was in the 1950's - so quite a lot of development over the decades - almost 8.
Conversations with a Blank Canvas, By Isa L Levy Highgate Arts psychotherapist, artist, and author Isa L Levy has this week published her astonishing personal memoir. In a creative memoir, which includes photographs of many of her vivid paintings, Isa reveals her psychological, artistic and spiritual transformational process through images, poetry and words, as she sheds and re-forms new evolutions to reach a state of ‘belonging’.
The author shares an honest, detailed and thought-provoking self assessment of her life journey. It is reflective in ways which invite the reader to engage more consciously with their own personal journeys. Using wonderfully clear and apt word painting, the words are beyond poetic in that they evoke a reaction of all our senses.
We hear the music she created, we feel the gentle opening up within the lover's garden, and we even taste the mother's force feeding!
Reviewers are already acclaiming the book as “a remarkable achievement”.
For press copies or to review this book contact Isa L Levy at isalevy@aol.com.
Books are available on amazon.co.uk h+ps://www.amazon.co.uk/Conversa5ons-Blank-Canvas-Somewhere-Transforma5on/dp/ B08B38B69V/ref=zg_bs_266794_40?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=18RYSK307VC64V96HQ3P