Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Trustees needed for Impactful Lives

Dear Members,

Please find below an email from Andrew Waite, member and regular attendee of GPN with his husband Alexandre.


The details are at the bottom of our website page (scroll to the bottom):

Hi Jean-Francois,

 I wonder if you could spread the love?

We are recruiting for new Trustees for the charity (details attached).

It was sent a to a general organisation and of course, there were no LGBTQ+ applying from there.

Extending recruitment dates…

 As we only want people with lived experience, this seems a good place to advertise.

There are three different functions although we may not want all three to start at the same time.

 Appreciate your help, as ever.

 Kind regards,

 Andrew Waite                                                                                   

Chair of Trustees                                                                              

Impactful Lives (Charity No. 1203136)                                    

Registered Charity Number: 1203136