Friday, 2 March 2018

LGBT Consortium Newsletter

A monthly digest for the LGBT sector
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A warm welcome to the March edition of our Newsletter!
Read on for news from the Sector, our Members and the Consortium Team.

Sector News 

Getting Our Voices Heard:
With LGBT Consortium & Stonewall 

We are very pleased to announce that we will be running two one-day workshops for LGBT groups in partnership with Stonewall. This free one-day workshop, taking place on Friday 13th April and again on Saturday 14th April, aims to give LGBT groups and community activists the chance to build their influencing and campaigning skills.

We will be using the proposed reform to the 2004 Gender Recognition Act as a learning framework for the day, as this will be at the forefront of the work of the sector during 2018.

The events will be held in London this time, but please note that LGBT Consortium will be holding more events for Members across the UK throughout the year.
Find out more inforamtion and the place and book your group's place
here or email Vicky, LGBT Consortium Membership & Engagement Manager.

Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Women’s Health Week 2018: Fair Access for Better Health

12th - 17th March | #LBTwomenshealth18
The aim of Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Women’s Health Week is to raise awareness about lesbian, bisexual and trans women’s health inequalities, to make it simple for service providers to empower service users. The week is also an opportunity to celebrate, highlight and learn from the work of groups and services which provide dedicated support to lesbian and bisexual women. 
You can find out more about the week and how to get involved here


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new, Europe-wide law that replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK. It sets out requirements for how organisations will need to handle personal data from 25 May 2018.

We have gathered together some useful guidance and resources from a range of partners to help guide members through the process.

Click here to find out more

A Message from our Acting Chair

In recent weeks, the shocking news around sexual abuse by aid workers working for Oxfam and other foreign aid charities has hit the headlines. Understandably, many in the voluntary sector, including us in the LGBT sector, are worried about the implications for them.

This not only further raises the importance of sustainability of our members, but also throws the spotlight on safeguarding processes – especially for those organisations which work with vulnerable people.

We at Consortium are interested to hear from member organisations about your concerns and also what you are doing to mitigate them. Our Engagement team can offer support and information around policy and risk.

Please get in touch with them here

Deadline Looms for the Scottish Government GRA Review Consultation

The Scottish Government consultation on the Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 closes at 5pm on Thursday 1st March 2018.

You don’t need to live in Scotland, responses are accepted from anywhere in the world and you can respond as an individual or as a representative of any size of group or organisation.

Click here to find out more about this consultation

 Online LGBT+ DV Resource Library

If you havent already, check outGalops LGBT+ DV Resource Library which collects all the relevant information and research abour LGBT+ victims of domestic abuse and researchers interested in the topic.

Click here to visit the online library

Funding Opportunities 

We have information about 3 new funds this month that LGBT groups may be interested in exploring:
Members can access information about these and a range of other funds by clicking on the links above or by visiting our Members only Funder Finder.

News from our Members

3FF Launch New LGBT+Faith Programme

3FF are inviting LGBT+ organisations and groups to join them for specially tailored training and support.

Through this funded project, they will work with you to help you ensure your spaces, programmes and events are sensitive to and inclusive of the needs of people from different faith and belief backgrounds.

Find out more and book your place here

Being Proud Awards

Nominations are now being taken for the annual Being Proud Awards. The awards are a chance to acknowledge and recognise the hard work and achievements of people making a positive difference to the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans young people.

Voting takes place in four categories:
  • LGBT Young Person of the Year
  • The Jan Bridget LGBT Youth Worker of the Year
  • LGBT Youth Group of the Year
  • The Jaye Bloomfield LGBT Ally of the Year
Click here for more info and details of how to vote

Pride in London launch largest research project 

London Pride are asking 'what does Pride mean to you?' as they launch their largest research project A Matter of Pride aiming to make 2018's event the most diverse and inclusive ever.

Have your say and fill in their survey here

Speak up! about your health & social care services    

There is still time to let Healthwatch Northumberland know about your experiences of health and social care in Northumberland over the last year through their annual survey. This can be as a patient or carer. Knowing what is important to you will help them to work more effectively on your behalf.

Your views will be shared anonymously and stored in line with data protection regulations. You could also be in with a chance of winning a £25 Marks & Spencer voucher when you take the time to share your experiences.

Please click here to take part in the survey

Opportunities with our Members

Here are just a selection of the exciting opportunities which are currently available with our Members. But we don't have space to list them all here, so please visit the Work in the Sector page & Volunteering Opportunities page on our website for full details of all the available vacancies.

Programme Development Officer

Apply by:
Monday 5th March

Youth Workers

Apply by:
Thursday 29th March

Consortium Team News

Paul - Chief Executive Officer

Four letters that if you haven’t heard of, then you should! GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation. This is an important piece of law coming into effect at the end of May and we want to make sure all Members are thinking about it.

If you hold personal contact details or any other information that could identify a person then you must take note.
Get in touch if you don’t know where to start or do check out NCVO’s detailed information or the Information Commissioner’s Office information.

Don’t leave it to late, act now!
Find more information on our website here 

Your Engagement Team

We are changing the way we engage with our Members!

>From now on, all of our Members will have a named Engagement Officer who will be their first port of call for all Membership needs. Some of you will already have received an email introducing you to your new named contact, but don't worry if you haven’t yet, we will be in touch very soon.

For those Members who would like one, your Engagement Officer will work with you to build a bespoke Membership Plan that looks ahead at where your group is going and how we can support you to get there.

This month we are also thrilled to be bringing our Members the news that we have teamed up with Stonewall to offer a free one-day training event focused on campaigning and influencing. We hope that by combining our skills and knowledge that we will help resource LGBT groups to speak out and to ensure that all our voices are heard.

If you arent sure that you are making the most of your Membership with us get in touch with one of our Engagement Officers:

Vicky Worthington - Members with an income over £10k
Philip Moir - Members with an income under £10k
Martin Karadzhov - London based Members
Shaan Knan - Trans Organisation Members

Harri - Stakeholder Engagement Manager for the National LGB&T Partnership

March 12-17th sees the second annual Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Women’s Health Week, an opportunity to focus on the needs of the women in our communities, which are often overlooked.

On Monday and Tuesday there will be webinars on LBT women’s health needs, and on Friday we’ve convened a panel of experts for a twitter-based Q&A.

You can find out more and let us know about the events and activities you’re planning as part of the week on our

Sophie - National LGBT Anti-Bullying Project Coordinator

Last month saw the Peer Learning Hub in London, where we got together with the leads from other projects to share information and suggestions.

Delivery of the project is well underway in schools; we have a selection of our factsheets finalised and they are starting to be distributed to schools.

This month we will start to plan a new e-bulletin for schools, to keep them up-to-date with information on the project.

New Members

A Warm Welcome to our Newest Members!

We are delighted to welcome the following new members to LGBT Consortium.
Please click on the name of the organisation to find out more about them.
British Asian LGBTI
Butterflies UK
Find The Light Foundation
LGBTQ Review

Events from our Members

Upcoming Events in March

Here are just a few of the exciting events from our Members which are coming up this month. But we don't have space to list them all here, so please visit the
events page on our website for full details of all the upcoming events.

Intertech Social @ Yard Bar

Thursday 1st March
6pm - 11:30pm


Thursday 15th March
5pm - 7pm

Queers Without Beers

Wednesday 21st March
7pm - 9:30pm

#womenWISE Drop-In #meetup

Thursday 8th March
5pm - 7pm

Fundraising Jumble Sale

Saturday 17th March
11am - 3:30pm

LGBT Employment Legal Advice Surgery

Monday 27th March
6pm - 8pm
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Consortium of LGBT Voluntary & Community Organisations
Zone 5
Wrentham Business Centre
Prospect Park, Exeter EX4 6NA
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