Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Free LGBT+ storytelling videos for LGBT History Month


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Unlimited access to Role Model Stories: Season One!

Just a quick reminder: 6 of our Role Model Stories video resources are free for all teachers until Friday 9 April, covering LGBT History Month and TDOV.
What is Role Model Stories?
Role Model Stories: season one includes six episodes, with stories from Vicky Jane, Simeon, Mon, Barry, Richy and Simon, packed with inspiring personal stories covering a range of topics from history, intersectionality, faith and LGBT+ inclusion, gender identity, different families and more. Each video comes with a downloadable teacher resource.

The powerful messages our role models share allow teachers anywhere to educate about LGBT+ identities, the impact of bullying and how to embrace difference and include everyone. You can browse the season one library and samples here.
 Pathways to LGBT+ Inclusion
Our 'Pathways to LGBT+ Inclusion: Report’ revealed only 20% of secondary students learnt about LGBT+ identities and HBT bullying at school, while only 27% of secondary students said their school would be safe for a fellow student to come out as LGBT+.
If you've any questions, or need support using Role Model Stories, please email us here.
Best wishes,
Jac Bastian
Head of Education
Diversity Role Models
St Anne's Church
55 Dean Street
Diversity Role Models is a registered charity number 1142548 and a company limited by guarantee number 07640644

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© 2021 Diversity Role Models

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Monthly highlight of our members: Barry Laden MBE, Darren Williams & Geoff Watson

From accountancy and journalism I moved into business, running companies in fashion retail; wholesale and manufacturing for which I have received various awards. In recent years I have enjoyed promoting my art (Saatchi Art online) and also offering consultancy services to various businesses and start-ups. I also give my time to charities especially through The Drapers' Company of the City of London where I am a Liveryman. I am available to make a difference to your business and I look forward to hearing from other GPN members to explore opportunities.

Barry Laden MBE

Darren Williams (DW) lives in Westminster and is the Founder of Williams Harding Consulting, having formally held Senior roles in a number of businesses in retail and hospitality, including Hotel Chocolat and Unilever. He is also CEO of www.scrubd.com and a Trustee at Action 4 Youth (www.action4youth.org)

Williams Harding (www.williamsharding.com) works with start-ups, expanding and distressed businesses, primarily in Retail and Hospitality but also outside of these sectors.

DW also speaks on the industry circuit as well as hosting and panel moderating at both corporate and charity events. He currently holds 2 Ambassadorial roles, being a Schools Role Model for Stonewall, and fundraising and awareness for Target Ovarian Cancer. He has run 4 London marathons and a number of other major run series for this charity.

Williams Harding also partners with a Bulgarian dog rescue centre www.helenshouseofhope.com (DW even brought one of the residents home for a new life in London).

These books are available from our member Geoffrey Watson (UK only) £15.00 each + £2.20 P&P except Ferry Good which is £20.00 + £2.20 P&P. 

E-mail Geoff.watson14@btinternet.com for details.

Outside UK please order through Amazon.co.uk

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

From our member Geoffrey Watson


These books are available from Geoffrey Watson (UK only) £15.00 each + £2.20 P&P except Ferry Good which is £20.00 + £2.20 P&P. E-mail Geoff.watson14@btinternet.com for details.

Outside UK please order through Amazon.co.uk

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

LAGLA newsletter


Dear LAGLA members,

**New Committee Members**
Following our AGM on 17 December 2020 the new committee is as follows:
Chair: Lewis Powers
Treasurer: Felicity Carroll
Secretary: David Coughlan 
General committee members:
Christina Warner, Lawrence Currie, Viene Bilodeau, Bruce Shane, Josh Ryan, Liam Bradford

**Speakers needed for panel talk of LGBT+ practioners**

4 Brick Court Chambers is looking for speakers for a panel evening they’ll be hosting online during Pride month 2021. The evening will consist of informal discussions about panel members’ experiences of working within the legal field as well as their journey to their respective careers. The panel will consist of those at all stages of qualification and all practice areas.

If you’re interested in taking part or want more information, please contact Christina Warner on christina.warner@4bc.co.ukThe deadline for registering your interest as a speaker is 10 February 2021. 

****It's A Sin******

'It's A Sin' premieres on Friday 22 January 2021 at 9pm on Channel 4. The drama, written by Russell T Davies and staring Years and Years singer and LGBTQ+ advocate, Olly Alexander, focuses on the story of the 1980s, the story of AIDS and charts the joy and heartbreak of a group of friends, across a decade in which everything changed. 

Read more about the upcoming drama 

**Blood donation rules changed**

Blood donation rules have been amended for gay and bisexual men.

Under previous rules, gay and bisexual men were not permitted to donate unless they’ve abstained from sex for three months, being treated as too risky to donate. This outdated and frankly discriminatory rule will now change, with an individualised risk-based policy being implemented.

Read further commentary here.
**Norway bans hate speech against trans and bisexual people**

The amendments to the law mean that discrimination based on “gender identity or gender expression” is now unlawful. Changes have also been made to the wording so that “homosexual orientation” has been amended to “sexual orientation”, extending protection from just lesbian and gay individuals to all sexual orientations. 

Norway's Minister for Justice said: "“It is imperative that the protection against discrimination offered by the criminal legislation is adapted to the practical situations that arise.”

Read further commentary 

**Trans teen legal battle with puberty blockers**

The High Court has recently ruled in the matter of  R (on the application of) Quincybell & A v Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust & Others, raising the threshold of Gillick competency for trans, non-binary and gender diverse young people in relation to puberty blockers and inviting the court to determine individuals' future treatment in line with their "best interests" on a case by case basis. Understandably this has been viewed as a huge setback for the trans, non-binary and gender diverse community. 

Read Mermaid's full commentary here.

**Elliot Page announces he is  transgender**

In a heartfelt letter on Instagram the actor Elliot Page announces he is transgender...read more here...

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

From our member Francois Souyri: How to create a new team in Microsoft Teams

View the video here: https://youtu.be/VyK7CbB1m_Y (2 minutes view)

A new post has been published on https://sharepointfrancois.com

How to create a new team in Microsoft Teams🎦

By Francois on Jan 12, 2021 11:00 am

New how-to â„¹ 2 min: How to create a new team in Microsoft Teams🎦


Thank you for subscribing to to my YouTube channel.

The post How to create a new team in Microsoft Teams🎦 appeared first on François on SharePoint, Office 365 and more technologies.

Read in browser »
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Recent Articles:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel where I “explain Tech”
How to increase your feedback responses – with online forms
 Great new features announced for Microsoft Teams, but what about fixing the performance issues?
Coming up in a few months/years: Microsoft Lists
Use “bulletin boards” not alerts  (inspired by Seth Godin’s Blog post)
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Tuesday, 29 December 2020

from our member Isa L Levy

Had my memoir Conversations with a Blank Canvas published in June. I have attached a press release about it just in case it might be interest to members of  GPN as I talk about my identity growing up in a tightly knit small Welsh Jewish community and the various issues around my sexuality and not 'belonging' - this was in the 1950's - so quite a lot of development over the decades - almost 8. 


Conversations with a Blank Canvas, By Isa L Levy Highgate Arts psychotherapist, artist, and author Isa L Levy has this week published her astonishing personal memoir. In a creative memoir, which includes photographs of many of her vivid paintings, Isa reveals her psychological, artistic and spiritual transformational process through images, poetry and words, as she sheds and re-forms new evolutions to reach a state of ‘belonging’. 

The author shares an honest, detailed and thought-provoking self assessment of her life journey. It is reflective in ways which invite the reader to engage more consciously with their own personal journeys. Using wonderfully clear and apt word painting, the words are beyond poetic in that they evoke a reaction of all our senses. 

We hear the music she created, we feel the gentle opening up within the lover's garden, and we even taste the mother's force feeding! 

Reviewers are already acclaiming the book as “a remarkable achievement”. 

For press copies or to review this book contact Isa L Levy at isalevy@aol.com. 

Books are available on amazon.co.uk h+ps://www.amazon.co.uk/Conversa5ons-Blank-Canvas-Somewhere-Transforma5on/dp/ B08B38B69V/ref=zg_bs_266794_40?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=18RYSK307VC64V96HQ3P

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Queer Bio Newsletter


QueerBio.com Newsletter December 14th, 2020
The Online Biographical Reference Source for the International LGBTQ Community
Top Story

Individuals with disabilities represent a significant portion of the population, yet they remain a marginalized group in society. Many people relate disability to physical attributes, but they can be mental attributes as well. It is the latter that is less visible and hence often misunderstood or ignored. 'Disability' is a term that encompasses a wide range of sensory, physical, cognitive and psychological abilities and affects many people, both visibly and invisibly.

LGBTQ individuals with disabilities face a double level of challenges when it comes to marginalization. The challenge often exists within the LGBTQ community also. For example, many LGBTQ individuals focus on an ideal body type that an individual with a disability cannot live up to.

Research has shown that LGBTQ individuals are more likely to have a disability than the general population. Transgender individuals, for example, are prone to the mental impacts of isolation, intolerance, and more that stigmatizes them - recent surveys have shown that 39 per cent of transgender individuals in the United States report having a disability. Similarly, one in three lesbians and one in three bisexual women report having a disability. The situation is significantly worse in countries with intolerant policies toward the LGBTQ communities.

Given this terrible situation, it is heartening to hear of individuals within the LGBTQ community who are working to address these challenges. Many of these individuals are activists, health workers, researchers, and politicians. A good portion of them are LGBTQ athletes who have received recognition for their athletic accomplishments at the national and international level and have become role models for the community. It is important to include LGBTQ people with disabilities as part of the discussion of LGBTQ rights.

We have identified LGBTQ individuals active in the disability community from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Great Britain, India, Israel, Japan, Poland, Scotland, Singapore, the United States, and Uruguay. 

Read More Now And See The Complete List

QueerBio.com has been chosen for the Library of Congress Web Archiving Program - Preserving important cultural artifacts by acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collections material of historical importance to foster education and scholarship.
Leanne Pittsford - United States (1980)

Leanne Pittsford is a serial entrepreneur.  In 2012 she founded Lesbians Who Tech & Allies, an organization which has grown to become the largest LGBTQ community of technologists in the world with 40+ city chapters worldwide.  Prior to this, Pittsford launched include.io in 2017, a mentoring and recruiting platform in technology, and the Tech Jobs Tour which connects diverse and non-traditional talent to jobs in technology. She created her own digital agency, Start Somewhere, and created leanimpact.org, a company which eventually was acquired by Lean Startup in 2016. Pittsford was recognized by Business Insider as one of the most powerful LGBTQ+ people in Tech in 2019. Previously, Pittsford worked for Equality California as head of operations.

Francis Bacon, Ireland (1909-1992)

Francis Bacon was a noted painter whose popular subject matter was the body painted in an abstract form. Later in his life, and after the death of his partner, his focus shifted to images of death and crucifixion. Bacon was also a notable interior decorator and furniture designer. He was the subject of two Tate retrospectives and a major showing in 1971 at the Grand Palais in Paris. A 2013 auction of his painting Three Studies of Lucien Freud sold for a world record price of US$142 million at the time.  
    Sample of New LGBTQ Biographies Added

    Jack Guest, Great Britain - Global Diversity and Inclusion Lead, HSBC Bank.  READ MORE
    Clement Beaune, France - Minister of State for European Affairs.   READ MORE
    Hig Roberts, United States - Alpine skier.  READ MORE
    Mara Gomez, Argentina - Transgender football/soccer player.  READ MORE
    Joan Drury, United States -  Writer and publisher.  READ MORE
    Braunwyn Windham-Burke, United States - Television personality.  READ MORE.
    Josh Feldman, United States - Actor and producer.  READ MORE.


    QueerBio.com is pleased to present a selection of biographical and history books on the global LGBTQ community.  Books can be ordered individually or as a group for further savings.

    It's a Fabulous Morning! My Interviews With Fascinating People in the LGBTQ World
    A Path to Diversity: LGBTQ Participation in the Working World

    Notables: 101 Global LGBTQ People Who Changed the World

    Champions: Biographies of Global LGBTQ Pioneers.

    Books are available in print or e-book editions.

    The definitive online biographical reference source for the international LGBTQ community
    Comprising a database of over 17,000 contemporary and historical figures who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, two-spirit, gender netutral or queer (LGBTQ).  Includes artists, sports figures, politicians, entertainers, business leaders, academics, activists, and more. The database is widely international in scope and is an ideal source for research and analysis with full search and sort functionality.  Available in 62 languages.
    Visit QueerBio.Com

    Managing Editor: Mark S. Bonham