Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Update EU-UK, Social and Networking events‏ for GPN

By now you all have already heard about 23rd June. This is an advance notice to put 19th May  in your diary :
Sir Stephen Wall GCMG LVO  speaks about the pros and cons of the vote to remain or leave EU on the 23rd June. Stephen is a gay man and for five years (1995-2000) was the British Ambassador to the EU in Brussels and then, from 2000-2004, Tony Blair’s adviser on the EU. He is no longer in the Civil Service but is active on EU issues and thinks that is important for businesses to be aware of the implications of Brexit. Moreover, there are obvious implications for LGBT rights in Europe more generally if one of the countries with the strongest LGBT rights records leaves. This will be a fascinating talk and I very much look forward to listening to him.
From now on we shall have a FREE Social event a bit like what Circa used to be when I was promoting it on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, next one is on the 9th March
As members here you can register for half price (£10 only by using this link) and wine is served on arrival and pending on the amount received   a top up too.
All events are posted here and also on, look in the diary section and the other links.
I also invite you to look at the Other Events & Offers as we receive some really good offers.
I very much look forward to seeing you again soon.
All best wishes, 

Friday, 12 February 2016

GPN in Soho - Thursday 18th February

Join us for a vibrant networking evening .
Get connected, productive & proactive with GPN, The LGBT platform to promote your causes, companies, venues & businesses.
All very nice people in a relaxed atmosphere.
Eventbrite - GPN in Soho - 18th February
The registration fee of £20 includes  Free wine on arrival and Sushi sponsored by our member, Marie-Laure Preynat, from Easy Gourmet Catering  Sushi will be served during the evening and Marie-Laure will make a small presentation.
We meet  at The Village on the first floor, exclusively reserved for GPN & GBA
If you have yet to come or have not been for sometimes: please read here.
The Raffle, if any, is sold for the profit of the   (£5 a ticket, £20 a strip of 5). Anyone wanting to give something towards the raffle please let me know or bring with you.
During the course of the evening you  have the opportunity to promote your business or yourself, please indicate that you wish to do so on the registration page.
When you register you are  asked for your name and email address for you and your guests  and a few simple questions so that we can better match your requirement of the evening and to help you further your business or career.

Expect a mix of great people and conversation to make meaningful social and business contacts.
Do bring your business cards to network .
Look at pictures from previous events on YOUR WebSite.
Registration/membership usually includes a drink on arrival or more and sometimes nibbles, we pay for it unless it is sponsored. Most events break even. GPN has operated since 2010 on a non profit basis. The excess pays for websites, promotion, stationary, transport, banners etc. We rely on the venues to sponsor this in exchange of considerable publicity to our Network worth several thousand of pounds and we support venues owned and managed by LGBT people). If you do know someone who would like to host our events please let me know.
If there is a photographer in the room, please let him/her know if you do not wish your picture to appear on the website or facebook page and tagged. It is assumed that everyone is happy to have their pictures to be used for the promotion of the network. 
To be a fully fledged member of GPN cost £1 a day, £ 5 a week, £20 a month or £200 a year payable on a recurring basis which gives you FREE registration to all the networking events, in London and elsewhere.  If you are ready for this, proceed here.There are many advantages to be a member such as free legal, financial or events consultation and free entries to many clubs, discount and other perks.
Full cash bar in operation once the venue has stopped serving the refreshments offered and further nibbles can be purchased from the bar. 
I also would like to invite you to a FREE event tomorrow, Wednesday 10th, at the same place and time for a purely social evening.
I very much look forward to seeing you and your friends and colleagues to make meaningful business and social contacts.
With best wishes,
Yours truly,
Jean-François for the GPN
Eventbrite - GPN in Soho - 18th February
Share this event on Facebook and Twitter

Friday, 22 January 2016

Thank you for coming yesterday !

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Thank you for attending GPN yesterday at The Village. 
Your support is really appreciated and it was great  to see you.

Thank you to Village and its staff, particularly Callum McBrearty, who made us most welcomed and we look forward to coming back regularly there. Very regularly in fact as we are  starting from February onwards some social evening, free of charge, every 2nd Wednesday of the month for the London Gay Network and the London Gay Ginger Guys.

GPN & GBA meet EVERY 3rd Thursday of the month.

We want to support our gay pubs as they otherwise disappear and will not stray away from them again if we can help it...

Ryan Lock was very good at giving us 3 new income strategies for your business and how to make more money in 2016.

Darrel Linehan talked about he helps you to find new customers, Bas Stronks talked about the services Quixote consult offers and Ian Dodds gave us an insights about his coaching and counselling that was most compelling and baffling.

 GBA  will organise a LGBT  "Dragon's Den" in February to which we are all welcome, more to come or look at the Website... GBA; why don't you join GBA too, this is the LGBT chamber of commerce, of which I am also the Chairman.

Have you looked at (because there is only one Gay Professional Network) which gives you a lot more information, such as how far fetching we are,  about our Network? is our hub where you are able to contact each others directly and view or list special offers and events. It is FREE to join and you can communicate with all the registered members through this media or through the Facebook Page,  Group and LinkedIn

The Gay Professional Network is your platform to promote your cause, your business, venue and yourself. It  helps your further your business or career and makes meaningful business and social contacts. You get connected, proactive and productive.

It is also a get together of like minded people who enjoy meeting other people. All very nice people in a relaxed atmosphere.

Read the statistics of  GPN
here. We are several million in the world! Probably the biggest network anywhere.

To be a fully fledged member of 
GPN cost  £1 a day, £ 5 a week, £20 a month or £200 a year payable on a recurring basis which gives you FREE registration to all the networking events, including those in the City, Walthamstow and more to come.  If you are ready for this, proceed here.  

There are many advantages to be a member such as free legal, financial, property or events consultation and free entries to many clubs, discount and other perks. (Registration/membership does not necessarily include drinks and canapes, we rely on the venues to sponsor this in exchange of considerable publicity to our Network worth several thousand of pounds, we endeavour  to support venues owned and managed by LGBT people) 

It was good to meet new and old friends. I trust you have made some useful and meaningful contacts last night. Do keep in touch with them and I. I have been around for some times and have a very extensive network of businesses and contacts anywhere in the world.

Beatrice sadly was not there last night as she usually takes pictures.  If you have taken any pictures, please send them to me so that I can post them on the various platforms, if appropriate.

I did not mention yesterday, but I should have, as Adrien and Pierre and I  will be in one of the future edition of Attitude, Adrien and Pierre won the Award for the Young LGBT Entrepreneur of the Year! myGwork  is going from strength to strength and yes I am a shareholder before you ask... you can register on this platform to look at your next  move in your career or hiring someone from the LGBT Community.

I don't speak much to all about me and my enterprises at the gathering as I try to give you the opportunity to do so but if you want to know more about me, have a look here.

I very much look forward to seeing you again soon.

Happy clicking and have a great weekend!

Best wishes,


                                     Jean-François Dor

Director                                                               Chairman

Mayfair PR Ltd                                                 GPN, GBAThe Network & JFDE     Mobile: + 44 7831 78 22 00

     Home:   + 44 208 521 98 18                                                 

                                      "I am easily satisfied with the very best"

gets people together and makes it happen.                             Sir Winston Churchill


Artist, Public Relations, Marketing, Off Market Properties and Events.

Your success is my ambition.

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