Monday, 4 October 2021



In this Issue:

News & Updates
Introduction from the Editor
Link Updates
Link Pride Party
Link on the Risky Mix
Link Survey
Member Updates
1 Man, 23 Days, 400+ Miles
Allianz & LV= Pride Update

First Tuesday Networking Drinks
CII - How to be an LGBTQ+ inclusive employer of choice

Introduction from the Editor

Dear Members,

Well, it’s been back to business with a bang for Link. After so long being locked in our houses, and meeting en masse not possible, we had a fantastic time hosting our Pride Party at the Ned Hotel last month. This was followed by our belated Summer Party, hosted and supported by Kennedys. We have reinstated our First Tuesday Drinks and have some great in person and virtual events in the pipeline.

September also saw another successful Dive In, with Link supporting three UK based LGBTQ+ events. Do log back into the Dive In platform where you can see recordings of some of these, and many other events.

Link also received a highly commended recognition at the Insurance Insider Awards. Whist we did not win the award for Diversity and Inclusion, we would like to congratulate our fellow Partner Network iCAN for a well-deserved win, given the fantastic work they do.

The start of October sees the start of Black History Month, which gives us the opportunity to discuss and remember the stories of those less well-known individuals. It’s also important we focus on the progress to be made, especially following the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, following George Floyd’s murder and the conviction of the police officer Derek Chauvin which offered a powerful reminder of an ongoing universal human rights campaign.

I’m always conscious that Link would not be where it is today, without the support of individuals who do so much for diversity and inclusion. One of these individuals, Michaela Gibson for me, epitomises someone who has devoted so much time, effort and passion to turning the dial and making the insurance industry a more inclusive place for all. Michaela is a finalist at the Women in Insurance Awards, and has been nominated for the Unsung Hero Award, an award very much befitting her. All of us at Link wish you the best of luck!

Maurice Rose
LINK Chair

Link Updates

Link Pride Party

Huge thanks to everyone who came to belatedly celebrate pride with Link in September. It was a fantastic evening, and great to see so many people in person. The party was the culmination of a fantastic pride t-shirt campaign which saw Link raise £20,000 for the Albert Kennedy Trust.

The T-shirt competition was a fantastic opportunity for the Insurance Market to come together and do something creative and collaborate. Well done to Chubb for their winning entry!

We also want to thank The Ned for hosting such a great event - we hope to repeat it in future years.

The Ned is also home to Ned’s Club, a members club to meet, work and have fun in the heart of the City. They have recently introduced a new membership, Ned Friends. Friends get access to members-only spaces, events and benefits at their restaurants and bedrooms. More information can be found here.

Link on the Risky Mix
Link would like to thank the Risky Mix, a fantastic Podcast about diversity and inclusion in financial services. The Risky Mix featured Link, and Maurice Rose, Senior Manager in PwC's insurance regulatory practice and chair of Link – the LGBTQ+ insurance network.  Maurice recently made Intelligent Insurer’s top 25 D&I champions in the insurance sector and spoke about Link’s mission, the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in the industry and where companies can better support their communities.
Listen to the podcast here
Link Survey: Help us to support the LGBTQ+ Insurance community

Link is keen to understand the lived experience of LGBTQ+ individuals and allies in the Insurance Industry.

Please help us do so by completing our survey.

This survey is for those who work in and are part of the insurance ecosystem, including insuretech, professional services firms and suppliers.

Your answers will help us further our work to make the Insurance Industry the employer of choice for the LGBTQ+ community. The results will help to shape where we focus our energy and to identify any current and emerging issues, helping Link and the wider Insurance Industry to understand where we can have the biggest impact in the years ahead. 

Your answers will be completely anonymous and incredibly helpful.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community please click here
Allies of the LGBTQ+ community please click here


First Tuesday Networking Drinks

Link is excited to be reinstating our regular first Tuesday Networking Drinks.

Post pandemic, we have decided to move venue to The Otherist where we have reserved a small area for Link Members.

We have drinks scheduled tomorrow, October 5th and November 2nd at 17:30.

Keep a look out for committee members who will be wearing a Link Badge.

We hope to see as many of you there as possible. Do come along to meet friends old and new!

There is no need to register, feel free to just turn up, but more information is outlined in the link below. Please click here for more details.
More details and register to attend

CII - How to be an LGBTQ+ inclusive employer of choice

Join Maurice Rose and Ben Johnson for a webinar hosted by the Insurance Institute of London on Wednesday 13th October to discuss how to be an LGBTQ+ inclusive employer of choice, where you’ll discover:
  • Why being an LGBTQ+ inclusive employer is important
  • What the regulators are saying in relation to D&I
  • How you can make your recruitment processes more LGBTQ+ inclusive
  • How you can use the new LINK inclusion framework to make your organisation an employer of choice for the LGBTQ+ community
  • What the regulators are saying in relation to D&I
If you are NOT a member of the CII, please email to reserve your place.

If you are a member of the CII, please click here to register.
Not a member of CII? Register here
A member of CII? Register here

Member Updates

1 Man, 23 Days, 400+ Miles - Raising funds to support the vulnerable and homeless of Southend-on-Sea

Kenny Carmichael from CFC Underwriting finished his 1 Man, 23 Day, 400 Mile challenge to walk from Southend to Land’s End.  Here Kenny details his monumental journey.

I walked a total of 437.4 Miles and raised, to date, £28,857 + £4,831.50 in Gift Aid. 
The walk was an experience that I will always remember.  I have been blown away by the interest in the story and the generosity shown by so many people.  The aim of the walk was to raise  funds for St. Vincent’s Centre, Southend who serve the homeless and vulnerable members of my hometown. 
I also aimed to raise awareness about  mental health and challenge stigmas associated with homelessness.  I was moved by the courage and honesty of those people who walked with me and shared their experiences of poor mental health and grateful for all of the support shown by friends, colleagues, family and strangers. 
Personally, I think this experience has helped me to refocus on what is important in life and I do believe that this will bring some lasting positive change in respect of my own wellbeing. 
If you are interested in reading about the challenge you can see the story on the St. Vincent’s Centre, Southend facebook page or view my 400 mile highlights on Insta @kcarm87.  Donations can be made at

Allianz and LV= Pride update
It’s been a really busy month for the Allianz and LV= Pride networks with some key updates:

New - Transitioning at Work Policy

As part of our ongoing commitment to equality of opportunity for all our people, we’re proud to introduce our new Transitioning at Work Policy which will be implemented across Allianz, LV=, Petplan and Home & Legacy. Amongst other topics, the policy covers:
  • name changes and official records
  • time off for transitioning to attend appointments, treatment and surgery
  • dress codes
  • pronoun guidance
  • recruitment procedures
Scarlet-Marie Morgan, co-lead of the Allianz Pride UK network said she was incredibly proud to see the introduction of the new policy and cited the support she’s received during her transition journey.

Stephanie Smith, Allianz Holdings chief operating officer and sponsor of the Allianz Global Pride Network, commented:

“We’ve always done our best to foster an environment and create a workplace where everyone can thrive but we felt it was important to bring in this new policy to explicitly demonstrate our support for our trans colleagues. It provides clarity for everyone, not only on practical HR matters but also how we can all help to create a safe and inclusive environment.”

Bi-Visibility Webinar and discussion
To mark Bi-Visibility Day on 23 September, in partnership with the London Bisexual Network, the Allianz and LV= Pride Networks co-hosted a virtual event titled ‘Bisexuali-tea – A fireside chat about the ‘B’ in ‘LGBTQ+.
During this event which was open to all, a number of Allianz and LV= colleagues discussed what bisexuality means to them and were candid about their own journey and experiences.

Employees also shared blogs which were published on the Allianz Pride Network members page.

We look forward to sharing our updates next month!


The latest news from elop for October 2021
                                                                                  elop News 

Scroll through this edition to find information about our forthcoming Peace Walk,  what is happening in all of our groups and a spotlight on services for those who have experienced domestic abuse, domestic violence and hate crimes. 

*****NEWS FLASH*****last few spaces remaining

Following our recent 
successful open event, we have just a few places left on our new, first of its kind in the UK, LGBT+ Affirmative Counselling Skills Foundation Course.  This is open to LGBT+ community and allies who are interested in starting a career in counselling, developing counselling skills or wanting to improve their skills in working with LGBT+ people.   You can email for an application pack & further information. Booking closes first week in October. 

Our Head of Counselling Service took part in a 5K forest run as part of our exercise for elop campaign, and there is still time to support her fundraising efforts for elop and help the continuation of elop services.  Click here to find out more, give your support and make a donation.

We have been out and about this month, both in person and online including attending freshers' fayres to provide information on elop's services and spoken at a Royal College of Nursing event.   

LGBT+ Affirmative Counselling Skills Course

elop is offering a new counselling course in LGBT+ Affirmative Counselling Skills, and is taking bookings now. This foundation level course is suitable for anyone who is interested in a starting career in counselling or for those who want to develop counselling skills to enhance their work with LGBT+ people.

At the heart of the course is LGBT+ experience and all teaching and practice sessions embed LGBT+ affirmative practice; highlighting intersectional identities. This course is suitable for newcomers to the counselling field and marks the beginning for elop's training in LGBT+ affirmative, inclusive and integrative counselling and serves as a pathway to elop's future 3-year professional counselling qualification. 

Course begins on 19th October 2021 

Contact elop's Training and Education service at for further details
                                          Mental Health Support

We are providing support for people who have experienced hate crimes, domestic abuse or sexual violence.  If your mental health has been impacted through your past experience of domestic abuse, sexual violence or hate crimes then you may find our Heads-Out Service useful.  Our wellness workshops on Mondays are designed around common mental health concerns that you may be still experiencing, such as  fear, lack of acceptance and compassion for yourself and boundaries.  In addition, our mental health plans can provide individualised care planning, focused on supporting your recovery and building your resilience and are an easy, practical way to support your mental health by creating a plan that is tailor made for you.  Email for more info.

During September we started a trauma support group working with those who have experienced sexual abuse or violence.  This group is currently closed but if you would be interested in joining a group from  January 2022 then email

Mental Health Workshops

Monday 4th October     Fear, Courage, and Bravery
Have you noticed fear has been more present in your life recently? Join us in this session to reconnect with your courage and use it to continue to confront your fears.
Monday 18th October  Acceptance and Compassion
In this workshop we will examine the ways in which we can foster acceptance and compassion for ourselves, especially during times of difficulty.
Monday 25th October  Boundaries and Relationships
Experienced domestic abuse or violence and finding it hard to maintain boundaries? Join us to find ways to identify what boundaries are important for you and how to set and maintain them.

All our workshops particularly welcome people who have experienced any form of hate.

email to join these
Weekly Online LGBTQ+ Mental Health Support Group
Fridays 11am - 1230pm
ReCharge offers a weekly space and facilitated opportunity to check-in and meet up with other LGBTQ+ people who have or are experiencing difficulties with their mental health. To share our  experiences, support each other through the ups and downs, celebrate achievements, access resources, tools and learn strategies to help us stay safe and well as we move forward to achieve our goals. 

email for the link
Weekly Social Groups
Our programme of FREE supportive groups offers you a safe place to be together, make new friends, explore, and articulate yourselves individually and as a community. We run groups for young adults (18-25), older adults (over 50), for asylum seekers, for LBT women, for LGBT+ families and an over 18's social support group 

email to sign up to any group
LBT Womxn's Group meeting weekly online now taking place on Thursday's 7.00 - 8.30 pm
open to all lesbian+, bisexual+ and trans+ women, and we particularly welcome those who have experienced previous domestic abuse or sexual violence

Oct 7       A focus on healthy relationships; what do they look like for you. 
Oct 14     Relationship red flags &  green flags: 
Oct 21     Who are you? how well do you know yourself 
Oct 28     Bringing and being all of you: a focus on identity 

 email to join 
18-25 LGBTQ+ Online Social Group.
Meets twice a month every 2nd & 4th Monday 7-8:30pm. Join our welcoming, relaxed & inclusive space to meet with others, enjoy activities & talk all things LGBTQ+.

Themes this month include celebrating black history month & the top 10 best and worst queer TV storylines of all time: Group dates 11th & 25th October
email to join 

LGBT+ Over 50 Social Group 
Every Monday 1.00 - 2.30pm

Join our fun, friendly and non-judgemental safe space to meet new people and discuss LGBT+ topics. 

Click here to register
These weekly meet-ups are a sanctuary for LGBTQ+ youth to come together in a welcoming and supportive environment to share, have some fun and learn skills to grow into independent, positive, and productive adults.

email for more information 

12-15s                                                  15-18's
                                                    5pm - 6.30pm                                                           7pm - 8.30pm
Our Family Activities are continuing to be held outside in October and we are planning another trip to a city farm this month.   

More information will be sent to our parents mailing list

Join our parents mailing list if you are not currently on it to get more information 


Tower Hamlets Peace Walk

As part of National Hate Crime Awareness Week from 9th – 16th October 2021, the Tower Hamlets LGBT+ Community Forum are leading a Peace Walk in the borough to bring together communities and organisations representing those who experience hate crime and our allies.

When: Friday 15th October 2021
Time: 2.15 – 6.00pm
Where: Meeting at Shaheed Minar Memorial in Altab Ali Park and walking to St John’s Church, Bethnal Green.

Click here to sign up

Trans Parent Day Event
Thursday 4th November 

elop is organising a Trans Parent Day Panel Discussion Event in celebration of National Trans Parent Day on November 7th 2021 6.30pm 

We are looking for a trans parent to speak on the panel

Please get in touch if you would like to register your interest in speaking on the panel
Click here to get in touch
Relationship Counselling 
Problems in relationships can be complicated, that's why we launched a new relationship counselling service. If you are struggling in your relationship, are dealing with a change in boundaries or dynamics, or finding it difficult to connect, relationship therapy can help you to better hear and communicate with each other.

Our LGTBQ+ counselling team are respectful of all genders, sexual and relationship diversities. Whatever you bring to the sessions we will discuss in a non-judgemental, confidential and sensitive way and work through with encouragement, knowledge and understanding.

email to access this support

As with our individual counselling service, we ask for a contribution towards the cost of service which is based on your joint income. 

Volunteering Opportunities

elop is currently looking for additional volunteer group facilitators to
support our online social spaces for the following groups: 

                       LBT Womxn           Thursday's 7.00 - 8.30pm
                       GBT Men               Wednesday nights 7.00 - 8.30pm

Trans and non binary group facilitators to set up and run a weekly or monthly group

We are also looking for people to join our fundraising and befriending teams.

Email for more information and an application pack.
Other Services & Events 

National Hate Crime Awareness Week  
9th - 16th October  

About 17-24-30 NationalHCAW

17-24-30 was initially founded as a Facebook group in March 2009 by Mark Healey and Ryan Parkins to mark the 10th anniversary of the London Nail Bomb attacks on Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho.
17-24-30 takes it's name from the dates of the three attacks; 17th April, 24th April and 30th April.
Since April 2010 we have organised the three April Acts of Remembrance. Two smaller outreach events in Brixton and Brick Lane on the 17th and 24th April, and a larger gathering in Soho on the 30th April.

  • 9th Oct - Start of the national week
  • 10th Oct - Service at St Paul's Cathedral
  • 11th Oct - GateHerts event
  • 15th Oct - Tower Hamlets Peace Walk run by elop (Tower Hamlets LGBT Community Forum)
  • 16th Oct - Sutton LGBT Hate Crime Event
17th Oct - International Day of Hope and Remembrance                   

The My Beautiful Laundrette Rainbow Plaque has been Unveiled!

Wandsworth LGBTQ+ Forum and Studio Voltaire (with support from Wandsworth Oasis, Lambeth Council and Clapham Picturehouse) unveiled London's 2nd Rainbow Plaque dedicated to the film, My Beautiful Laundrette.

The plaque has been installed opposite at 11 Wilcox Road, Vauxhall SW8 (the location of where Powders laundrette was based) by the films, screenwriter - Hanif Kuershi, director - Stephen Frears and lead actor, Gordon Warnecke. 

Rainbow plaques are designed to make hidden moments in LGBTQ+ history visible. They can be to celebrate and remember a person, film, song or indeed a venue that has a significant meaning in the LGBTQ+ Community.

                           "GLF at 50: the Art of Protest" Exhibition

Film screenings, talks and artwork from Queer China UK - a social incubator aiming to empower Chinese-speaking LGBTQ+ and feminist communities. 

A celebration and conversation exploring Islington’s rich and radical queer heritage and identity – past, present and future.

A celebration and exploration of the Gay Liberation Front communes that populated all four of London’s compass points – places for activists to share food, clothes, money, ideas and lovers.

Hosted by drag superstar Crystal, this event will celebrate and explore the role drag has played and can play in radical and direct protest action. 

Intermate Partner Violence  / Abuse Study  
Calling all men who have sex with/are attracted to men. Have you faced intimate partner violence/abuse? Get involved in research which explores your experiences by taking part in an anonymous survey by the University of East London - 

  This study is looking for:
  Do you identify as a man (or male):
  Are you 
attracted to and/or have sex with other men (this could be gay, bisexual, queer or questioning) 
  Are you over the age of 18 
 Have experienced intimate partner violence in a previous relationship with another man (over 1 year ago) 

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07908 553744

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