Friday, 22 August 2014

Thank you for coming to GPN last night

Thank you for attending last night's GPN at
Leon de Bruxelles,  we had a great time meeting new people and have a convivial and productive evening, thank you for the warm hospitality of Leon de Bruxelles, James Storey, the General Manager, and his team.

I trust you made some very useful contacts last night. Pictures from last night are on Beatrice Colbrant's page, thank you Beatrice!

Just in case you still don't know what I do, please read more about my various activities here
You can also see my Online diary for events that are coming up.

Boylesque production returns to Shadow Lounge, you can book and save yourself £6.50 on the price of the ticket Show & Shadow Lounge AND also on the ticket price by simply using the promotional code JFDOR. Book here.

The Gay Professional Network is your platform to promote your cause, your business, venue and yourself. It  helps your further your business or career and makes meaningful business and social contacts. You get connected, proactive and productive.

It is also a get together of like minded people who enjoy meeting other people. All very nice people in a relaxed atmosphere.

You may want to read a few facts about GPN, your Network, here

To be a fully fledged member of  GPN cost only £100 a year or £10 a month payable on a recurring basis which gives you FREE registration to all the networking events, including those in the City. You can also join for as little as £1 a month but then you pay for the events separately. If you are ready for this, proceed here.

You may be interested to join also
The Network, this encompasses many platforms and a variety of people and businesses.

I very much look forward to seeing you again soon. Please look at
my online diary for details of future events.

Enjoy the wonderful weekend ahead and see you in September!
Yours sincerely,
Best wishes,


                                     Jean-François Dor
Director                                                              Chairman
Mayfair PR Ltd                                                 GPN, GBAThe Network & JFDE
              Mobile: + 44 7831 78 22 00
              Home:   + 44 208 521 98 18                                                 
                                      "I am easily satisfied with the very best"
gets people together and makes it happen.                             Sir Winston Churchill
Artist, Public Relations, Marketing, Off Market Properties and Events.
Your success is my ambition.

Gay Professional Network - the facts

GPN started in May 2010 with a handful of friends and we now have a great
following of professional people reaching over 6 million people in the world with a
membership in London alone of over 10,000 High Net Worth Individuals.

As you may know, the Network meets every third Thursday of the month and we
attract speakers from various worlds. 40 to 60 people attend these events with peaks
of 100 and even 250 once.

This is the LGBT platform to promote your causes, companies, venues & businesses.

Profile of people attending are: Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, Hedge Funds owners,
Property Developers, CEO of Top Companies in UK and the World, Actors,
Musicians, Singers, Models and others in the entertainment and communication
industry, some are students too aspiring to network with people in the know and
others looking at their next step in their careers. All very nice people in a relaxed

Details of the last or next event can be seen on, you can
also see the other events on the main site (Login is

Partners, as I hope you shall be, get an exposure to several million professional LGBT
people in and around London through websites: Gay Business Association, Gay
Professional Network, social websites and direct personalised emails and press
releases. GPN now reaches several thousand people in London by direct email on a
personalised basis.

Reaches are:
  •  several hundred hand selected people on the website.
  • 409,430 people on LinkedIn
  • 2, 229,080 people on facebook
  • 3, 773, 930 people on other websites
with a combined total of 6,043,953 people. That is not counting on the exponential
element of people recommending the GPN.

To communicate to this targeted audience only cost £500 for a 150 words paragraph including a link to your website and contact details.