Please circulate:
LGBTQI Anti-Violence Webchat Worker
HOURS: Flexible. Minimum of one 4 hour shift per week, with more shifts available, currently up to 5 shifts per week
SALARY: £14.60 per hour (This is equivalent to £26,571 pa, NJC SCP 25–27, starting at SCP 26)
CLOSING DATE: 9am Monday 6th March 2017
HOURS: Flexible. Minimum of one 4 hour shift per week, with more shifts available, currently up to 5 shifts per week
SALARY: £14.60 per hour (This is equivalent to £26,571 pa, NJC SCP 25–27, starting at SCP 26)
CLOSING DATE: 9am Monday 6th March 2017
The project will deliver a unique service to LGBTQI people in the UK who have experienced violence, including hate crime, sexual violence and domestic abuse, with a focus on improving support and understanding of online hate crime.
The post holder will work alongside the Online Hate Crime Project Manager and other webchat workers to pilot a new national webchat service for LGBTQI people who have experienced violence, and provide support to implement new reporting and monitoring systems for LGBTQI people experiencing online hate crime.
The worker will provide webchat based support to LGBTQI people experiencing violence, including practical advice and emotional support, as well as signposting and referrals to other relevant services. The worker will also monitor online hate crime through social media and a new reporting webpage, giving support to individuals through these avenues where appropriate.
The post holder will receive training to enable them to give advice and support relating to hate crime, sexual violence, domestic abuse and the criminal justice system.
Galop is the LGBTQI anti-violence charity, providing advice, support and advocacy to LGBTQI people who have experienced hate crime, domestic abuse and sexual violence. Galop also supports people who need help with the criminal justice system and is engaged on a strategic level to ensure issues affecting LGBTQI communities remain high on the agenda of commissioners, decision-makers and non-specialist service providers.
Job Description & Person Specification
Application form
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Job Description & Person Specification
Application form
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Please send completed applications and equal opportunities form by email only to
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