Friday, 29 March 2019

Tuesday 4th June, launch of Shaun Dellenty Book: "Celebrating difference" with a screening of "Pride".

A very special event for LGBT June Pride Month 2019; award winning LGBT educator, homophobic bullying survivor, and inspirational keynote speaker @ShaunDellenty launches his Bloomsbury Education book ‘Celebrating Difference- A Whole School Approach to LGBT+ Inclusion’ with a one off talk about his book, life and 10 years of ground-breaking LGBT+ inclusion in education work.

Shaun was named one of the 100 most influential LGBT people in the U.K. and was designated as a ‘Point of Light’ by the U.K government in 2016 for services to LGBT+ and education communities. In 2016 he was named LGBT+ Education Champion at the Excellence In Diversity Awards.

His work has featured on national and international television. Shaun’s talk will be followed by a Q+A and a screening of the film ‘Pride’ by Stephen Beresford and directed by Matthew Warchus. Based on a true story, the film depicts a group of lesbian and gay activists who raised money to help families affected by the British miners' strike in 1984, at the outset of what would become the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners campaign.

Bloomsbury Publishing will be on hand in the foyer to serve an initial welcome drink and they will bring a card reader to sell copies of ‘Celebrating Difference- A Whole School Approach to LGBT+ Inclusion.’

Shaun Dellenty will be available during the film to personalise books of requested. Shaun invited attendees are to wear something inspired by the colours of the rainbow but this is a suggestion.

Please note the ticket fee is to cover the film and venue costs; Shaun Dellenty will not be taking monies from ticket sales.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019


Jean-Francois DOR et Lord Paul SCRIVEN

English : On 19 March 2019 the GPN meeting was held at the CIVIL SERVICE CLUB, Great Scotland Yard, in London, in the presence of Lord Paul Scriven. Among a diversity of very interesting presentations from various participants Shaun Dellenty announced the publication of this book “Celebrating Difference”, a whole-school approach to LGBT + inclusion, published by Bloomsbury Education. Dr Georgina Barnett also presented Seventy Thirty -

The GPN, founded by JEAN-FRANCOIS DOR (, is the best LGBT platform to promote your cause, your causes, companies, venues and businesses. It helps you further your business or career and enables you to develop meaningful business and social contacts. The GPN also welcomes gay-friendly people.

French : 19 mars 2019.  Nouvelle rencontre avec JEAN-FRANCOIS DOR et le GAY PROFESSIONAL NETWORK ( au CIVIL SERVICE CLUB, Great Scotland Yard, de Londres, en présence de Lord Paul Scriven. Parmi les intéressantes interventions il faut mentionner celle de Shaun Dellenty qui publie “Celebrating Difference”, célébrant la diversité LGBT, aux Editions Bloomsbury. Presentation aussi par le Dr Georgina Barnett de "Seventy Thirty",

LE GAY PROFESSIONAL NETWORK, dont l’objectif est de permettre aux homme ouvertement gays d’échanger leurs services professionnels, accueille toujours avec amabilité et bienveillance les femmes de toute sensibilité et les personnes gay-friendly. Chacun ayant la possibilité de présenter ses services ou son entreprise au cours de la soirée, on est heureux de faire connaissance en toute amitié !

Recognise & Respond Conference - May 9th 2019

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'Recognise & Respond: Strengthening advocacy for LGBT+ survivors of domestic abuse is your opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of LGBT+ people’s experiences of domestic abuse, additional barriers this group faces in access to services and gain knowledge on strategies tackling these barriers.

The conference is also your space to discuss the need for inclusive policy and service delivery and examine what is being done and what more can be done to support and protect LGBT+ victims and survivors.
This national event will bring together delegates from across the LGBT, domestic abuse, VAWG, health, housing, and victim care sectors, including:
  • Victim support organisations and IDVAs
  • Healthcare staff
  • Housing providers
  • Local authority social care teams
  • Safeguarding adults board managers / members
  • Home Office, Communities and Local Government representatives
For full programme information, please see our website.

This event is free to attend, but we do ask that attendees place a £20 deposit to secure your place. This is to cover the costs of pre-ordering catering. All attendees will receive a full reutrn of their deposit funds within 5-7 business days after the event ends, depending on their bank. In case of a no-show, you will not be eligible for a refund. Exceptions may be made under certain conditions, with at least 48 hours prior notice.

About Recognise & Respond
Recognise & Respond is project that looks to build upon existing achievements and good practices tackling LGBT domestic abuse, working closely with LGBT, DV and VAWG services, policy makers and commissioners. The project is funded by the Lloyds Bank National Domestic Abuse Program and run as a partnership between Galop & Stonewall Housing.

Find out more
Our partner organisations

HELPLINE: 020 7704 2040  |  ADMIN: 020 7697 4081  |  |
356 Holloway Road
N7 6PA

Copyright (C)  Galop

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

LGBTQ Mental Health Support

Seb Abecasis shared a group to the group: Gay Professional Network.
Hey everyone,
Wanted to share a new group/resource I've made.
It's a Q&A where anyone can ask a question and get an answer from a qualified therapist in our network (I work for a mental health company).
It's part of a wider initiative to increase education around mental health and therapy in the LGBTQ+ community.
Thanks and hope to see some of your there.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Go and see Isa, a member, 12-14th April in How Am I Looking Now?

Dear Friends,

Am enclosing details of a show I'm involved with. The first lot of dates in March have already sold out, and below is a link to book for new shows, should you be interested in April. 

The original show - 'Baring the Weight' happened in the 80's and now a companion piece has been written to see how the original concerns in Suzie Orbach's - 'Fat is a Femininst Issue' impact on women's body concerns  today. 

Suzie Orbach will be speaking after the first show in April on Friday the 12th.

Hope to see you there if you can make it, and are interested in a good belly laugh, with political incorrectness disguising serious matters illustrated behind our social media epidemic of contrived and curated false images suggesting a perfect body leads to a blemish free life.

With Very Best of Wishes


Krow's TRANSformation, do read, watch and help if you can.

Dear Jean-Francois,

I hope you don’t mind me reaching out but I will be distributing a new documentary called Krow’s TRANSformation on behalf of  a Canadian producer called THEY.  The producer is looking to raise some more financing to complete her film and has launched a kickstarter campaign. I was hoping you could kindly help our efforts by sharing this with your network who may be interested in seeing this film completed and be able to make a donation.  See the fundRazrdetails in the email below this one.  This film is such a positive story that I am just doing what I can from London to help her….

Krow’s TRANSformation (1 x 90:00 and/or 1 x 60:00)         Feature Documentary
Production Company: THEY Film
Pdn Year: 2018        Delivery April  2019
Commissioning Broadcaster: OUTTV

The inspirational story of Krow Kian, a  Canadian transgender teen model who transitioned from female to male. Filmed over 3 years, every step of Krow’s transition was captured on camera in unflinching detail. But this wasn’t the only change: Krow, previously a female fashion model, has to relaunch himself as male model and convince an agent to sign him. Will he succeed? The uplifting ending sees Krow sign with a new agency and take a starring role in Louis Vuitton’s show in Paris Fashion Week in October 2018.

Krow Kian  has been in a lot  of press as the “first Transgender Male Model” to be featured on the covers of fashion magazines…   He will also be on the cover of Dazed in April.

I hope you can help.

Best regards

From: FundRazr <>
Sent: 08 February 2019 18:29
To: Janice Strangward <>
 They Film would like your help with "Krow's TRANSformation" Documentary


They Film
They Film
Needs a little help from a friend
Hello there,
There are times in everyone's life when a caring friend makes all the difference. Now could be one of those times. They Film thought you could help with a fundraising campaign and asked us to tell you about it.
Here's the campaign:
$30,000 goal
"Krow's TRANSformation" Documentary: We need your help to finish bringing Krow's story of transitioning to the world, also with hopes to educate people, possibly even save some lives. Post production funds are in need to bring his story to the screen. ...View campaign

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ConnectionPoint Systems Inc., 200-171 Water Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 1A7

call for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer+ Women: survey

Hi there,

I hope you’re well.

I am contacting you from INvolve, as we are conducting some LGBT+ research and would appreciate your help.

The research is to understand how LGBT+ networks can better engage with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer+ Women. We will be looking into how and why engagement of these LB+ women within LGBT+ networks is often lower than their male counterparts, and what can be done to improve this.

As part of this research, we have created a survey which we would like to be shared far and wide to reach as many lesbian, gay, bisexual+ women as possible. The link to this survey can be found below.

We would appreciate you sharing this survey link with your network for maximum impact. The survey is open to anyone who identifies as a woman, is in current employment, and also identifies as LB+ (lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, queer etc).
If you have any questions about the research, or would like to be more involved, do let me know.
Best wishes,
Alice MacDonald
Research Executive

     +44 203 405 6919
a      9 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0LN