Dear Jean-Francois,
I hope you don’t mind me reaching out but I will be distributing a new documentary called Krow’s TRANSformation on behalf of a Canadian producer called THEY. The producer is looking to raise some more financing to complete her film and has launched a kickstarter campaign. I was hoping you could kindly help our efforts by sharing this with your network who may be interested in seeing this film completed and be able to make a donation. See the fundRazrdetails in the email below this one. This film is such a positive story that I am just doing what I can from London to help her….
Krow’s TRANSformation (1 x 90:00 and/or 1 x 60:00) Feature Documentary
Production Company: THEY Film
Pdn Year: 2018 Delivery April 2019
Commissioning Broadcaster: OUTTV
The inspirational story of Krow Kian, a Canadian transgender teen model who transitioned from female to male. Filmed over 3 years, every step of Krow’s transition was captured on camera in unflinching detail. But this wasn’t the only change: Krow, previously a female fashion model, has to relaunch himself as male model and convince an agent to sign him. Will he succeed? The uplifting ending sees Krow sign with a new agency and take a starring role in Louis Vuitton’s show in Paris Fashion Week in October 2018.
Krow Kian has been in a lot of press as the “first Transgender Male Model” to be featured on the covers of fashion magazines… He will also be on the cover of Dazed in April.
I hope you can help.
Best regards

From: FundRazr <>
Sent: 08 February 2019 18:29
To: Janice Strangward <>
Subject: ★ They Film would like your help with "Krow's TRANSformation" Documentary
Sent: 08 February 2019 18:29
To: Janice Strangward <>
Subject: ★ They Film would like your help with "Krow's TRANSformation" Documentary
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