Tuesday, 28 February 2017

London Metropolitan Archives Events - March 2017

A Mince Through Time: Queer History Walk
Saturday 11 March, 11 am - 1 pm

Explore the LGBTQ history of Clerkenwell and Finsbury guided by the Mince Through Time.

£10 - booking essential.
Book your place

Thursday, 16 February 2017

LGBTQI Anti-Violence Webchat Worker

Please circulate:

LGBTQI Anti-Violence Webchat Worker

HOURS: Flexible. Minimum of one 4 hour shift per week, with more shifts available, currently up to 5 shifts per week
SALARY: £14.60 per hour (This is equivalent to £26,571 pa, NJC SCP 25–27, starting at SCP 26)
CLOSING DATE: 9am Monday 6th March 2017
The project will deliver a unique service to LGBTQI people in the UK who have experienced violence, including hate crime, sexual violence and domestic abuse, with a focus on improving support and understanding of online hate crime.
The post holder will work alongside the Online Hate Crime Project Manager and other webchat workers to pilot a new national webchat service for LGBTQI people who have experienced violence, and provide support to implement new reporting and monitoring systems for LGBTQI people experiencing online hate crime.
The worker will provide webchat based support to LGBTQI people experiencing violence, including practical advice and emotional support, as well as signposting and referrals to other relevant services.  The worker will also monitor online hate crime through social media and a new reporting webpage, giving support to individuals through these avenues where appropriate.
The post holder will receive training to enable them to give advice and support relating to hate crime, sexual violence, domestic abuse and the criminal justice system.
Galop is the LGBTQI anti-violence charity, providing advice, support and advocacy to LGBTQI people who have experienced hate crime, domestic abuse and sexual violence. Galop also supports people who need help with the criminal justice system and is engaged on a strategic level to ensure issues affecting LGBTQI communities remain high on the agenda of commissioners, decision-makers and non-specialist service providers.
Please send completed applications and equal opportunities form by email only to recruitment@galop.org.uk

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Fondue anyone? Actually who would like to go with me there? enough people and I'll make up an event there.

Civic Luncheon - 31st March 2017

RSVP essential https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-civic-luncheon-tickets-29747171591

Civic Luncheon
Friday 31st March 2017
Guildhall Crypts 12:30 for 1:15pm
The Salon d'Or, through Jean-François Dor, is delighted to be able to extend an invitation to the Bishopsgate Ward Club annual Civic Luncheon  at The Guildhall on Friday 31st March 2017.
The Lord Mayor, Alderman Dr Andrew Parmley, and his wife Wendy will be in attendance, along with the duty Sheriff and his consort. The Mayoral party will be joining us after the United Guild's Service at St. Paul's Cathedral.
We shall be in the Crypts which are the largest medieval crypts in London, dating from the 11th & 13th Centuries; a wonderfully atmospheric venue for this our main civic event.
The cost of this memorably splendid luncheon is £95 per person, which will include a sparkling wine reception, a three course lunch, wines, port and coffee.
Please respond by Friday 10th March.
Guests are most welcome. Pour Memoire cards will be sent to you. Please contact me if you have not received your cards by 24th March. Also do let me know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Ladies may wear hats but this is simply a matter of personal choice and certainly not obligatory. Dress for gentlemen is morning dress or lounge suit.
Please advise if you wish to join us at our lunch, by reply here, e-mail or post. 
I very much look forward to seeing you then.

Yours sincerely,


Friday, 13 January 2017

Classic cars

96 Club Logo
Join us  in LondonNormally Second Sunday of every month 

You are invited to attend  Historic Motorsport International  

Historic Motorsport International (HMI) is an exciting new event celebrating historic motorsport, showcasing this exciting sector and bringing the historic competition scene together pre-season.  Being opened by the world's greatest all-rounder racing driver, Jacky Ickx, Historic Motorsport International is the must attend event for the historic motorsport community in February.  See stunning historic race and rally cars up close, including many for sale, find leading preparers and restorers and get the heads up on next year's championships so you can start planning the coming season.  Get inspiration from an impressive speaker line up in the Supagard Theatre plus, HMI ticket holders will gain free admission to The London Classic Car Show!    Historic Motorsport International takes place at ExCeL London from 23-26 February 2017.
As a partner of Historic Motorsport International, we are delighted to invite you, and a friend, as guests along to the Show.  To obtain your pair of complimentary tickets  please click on this link http://www.eventdata.co.uk/Forms/Default.aspx?FormRef=LCC27Visitor and quote ticket code:   HMI236
Once the form is completed, an e-ticket will be emailed to the email address you have provided; usually within half an hour of you submitting the form.  If you do not receive the ticket please first check your spam box and if it still hasn't appeared, please email melissas@brandevents.co.uk   detailing the email address you provided in the form.  Please note that a separate email address is required per ticket request.
Complimentary tickets are for Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th February 2017 only and subject to availability.  
For the latest show information visit    historicmotorsportinternational.co.uk
It would be most helpful if you could just drop me a line if you are taking up this offer as I can then give the list of names to Michael and Darren, so that they will expect to see you on the Club stand.

With very best wishes
Suzi Grant-Fernyhough
Michael Scott
07710 584 696
December 11th - Christmas Lunch 
96 Club Logo
96 Club Membership
We are always happy to welcome new members. 

Please contact Suzi if you would like a Membership Application Form sent to you. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

50% Off at Ask?

WHAT’S YOUR FLAVOUR? Banish those January blues with our limited edition Chocolate Etna, with a gelato flavour of your choice! FIND OUT MOREChocolate Etna with Gelato

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Share the love

Join us to explore how to reduce health inequalities for LGB&T people
View this email in your browser

Share the Love

Date: Weds 8th March
Location: London, Voluntary Action Islington

The National LGB&T Partnership is committed to reducing health inequalities and challenging homophobia, biphobia and transphobia within public services. We combine the expertise and knowledge of twelve LGB&T organisations from across England but are keen to ensure everything we produce has much further reach.

To help achieve this, we are organising a special 2-part seminar style event which will be of interest to both LGB&T organisations in England and those engaged in LGB&T policy development or commissioning within the health and care sectors. It will be an opportunity to explore the diverse range of LGB&T specific resources the National LGB&T Partnership have produced to inform policy and practice development, in the context of our six broad priorities:
  • Data Monitoring
  • Changing Attitudes
  • Access To Services
  • Collaboration and Community Engagement
  • Co-Production and Co-Delivery
  • Raising LGB&T Voices

The day will be split into two parts in order to explore how the health and care system can benefit from the National LGB&T Partnership’s resources in the morning, followed by sessions for LGB&T organisations in the afternoon focussed on making use of these resources when engaging with the various parts of the health and care sector.

Morning seminar (11 – 1pm): For policy developers, commissioners and senior staff working within the health and care sectors
The National LGB&T Partnership will present our key resources from the last couple of years, informing health sector stakeholders on how the system can benefit from their information and identifying ways to embed them into their work.

Networking Lunch (1 – 2pm)
An opportunity for those in the health and care sector to meet and network with a range of LGB&T organisations.

Afternoon Seminar (2 – 4pm): For LGB&T voluntary and community organisations
This is an opportunity to find out more about the resources the National LGB&T Partnership have produced and how they can help a diverse range of LGB&T organisations. Many of the resources centre on embedding LGB&T issues into national policy and members of the Partnership will be on hand to give their top tips and share with attendees how they have already been used by a range of bodies.

The National LGB&T Partnership has a small number of travel bursaries on offer to support LGB&T organisation attending so please get in touch via email if you would like to discuss this.

We hope you will consider attending for the most relevant part of the day. Places are limited so please sign up at nationalgbtpartnershipsharethelove.eventbrite.co.uk