Tuesday, 3 October 2017

LGBT Consortium October Newsletter

A monthly digest for the LGBT sector
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A warm welcome to the October edition of our Newsletter!
We have important reminders about our upcoming Conference & AGM and our 2017 Impact Survey. We also have an exciting announcement about another new addition to the LGBT Consortium team.
Read on for news from the sector, our Members and the Consortium team.

Sector News 

LGBT Consortium Annual Conference & AGM

There are still spaces left at our 2017 Conference & AGM, which will take place in Manchester on Saturday 4th November from 10:30am to 5pm.
This year the Conference will have a Health Check theme, to tie-in with the work we have been doing with Members throughout the year to support them to remain healthy and fit for purpose.

Get the full details and book your place

National Hate Crime Awareness Week 

The week runs from 14th - 21st October this year and there will be events all over the Country to mark the week.
If you want to plan your own event or find out what is going on in your area, please visit the
NHCAW website.

We will be Tweeting during the week to promote our Member's events and campaigns using the hashtag #NHCAW, so follow all the latest there.

3 2 1 Impact 

The Impact survey is open for just one more week, so if you haven't already, please make sure that your LGBT Group takes part! 

Our annual Impact Survey is a very important exercise for us and helps to build a picture of the impact our Members have and how well we are supporting them. 

We invite all of our Members to please take the IMPACT Survey here

Welcome David to the Team 

This month we welcome David Woodhead the LGBT Consortium Team. David is our new National LGB&T Partnership Associate and will be working on the inequalities in health and wellbeing project funded by Public Health England.

He will produce a resource for mainstream health and social care organisations and pilot whole system approaches in two sites - in the London Borough of Lambeth and in Leeds. It will end in March 2018.

You can get in touch with David here

Health Check 

This month, to tie in with National Hate Crime Awareness Week, we thought we would share a huge range of useful resources and tools that can help your group to work with LGBT Hate Crime issues.  
These resources and tools were created by 35 LGBT Consortium Members through the EHRC funded Hate Crime Partnership and it is with thanks to them that we can share the benefits of their wealth of Knowledge, skills and expertise with you all. Check it out here

Trans Reproductive Health Survey

The National LGB&T Partnership have supported Public Health England in their development of a survey seeking the views of the trans community on reproductive health. It is the first and most diverse trans survey about reproductive health of its kind seen in the UK.

PHE is inviting all self-identified trans people (and those with a trans history) in the UK over the age of 16 to take part. The aim of the survey is to gain a better understanding of trans people’s experiences, preferences and needs for reproductive health and healthcare to inform future PHE work in this area.

Your next challenge starts here!  

Ever considered becoming a trustee?
Keen to share your skills, learn new ones and gain board experience?

Give us a call on 020 7064 6500 or register your interest as a potential Trustee here

News from our Members

 ‘An Evening of Faith Recognition and Celebration’ 

LGBT Consortium Members, 3FF, are organising an event ‘An Evening of Faith Recognition and Celebration'.

The evening will bring together organisations and individuals across London who deserve recognition for building bridges between Londoners of all faiths and beliefs. It will also be an opportunity to share successes and celebrate the work of those who seek to enrich Londoners’ sense of belonging (with awards of £500).

The event will take place on 27th November and nominations are open until the 9th October,
more information here

Call for Papers – LGBT Issues

As part of the Youth Voice Journal’s special issues in 2018, the editors of the Youth Voice Journal invite submission of abstracts for this Special Issue to be guest edited by Dr Jason Schaub, University of Birmingham.

Click here to find out more

Member's Nominated for Pink News Award 

We are very pleased to see so many of our Members nominted for the Pink News Awards in the category of Community Group of the Year:

IMAAN  – Leading LGBTQ Muslim Charity.
Just Like Us – LGBT+ Charity for Young People.
Mermaids UK – Family and individual support for gender diverse and transgender children and young people.
Opening Doors London – London-based charity offering support to older LGBT+ people.

You can cast your vote here

Hundreds Gather to Support Triumphant Totnes Pride

The Historic Market Town of Totnes in rural Devon, saw its fifth Pride event at the weekend, with an estimated 1500 people coming together to celebrate the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex &/or asexual+ (LGBTQIA+) community.
Organisers of the popular event, Totnes-based social enterprise Proud2Be, laid on a whole host of events in the town.
Click here to read more on this story

Consortium Team News

Paul - Chief Executive Officer

It is nearly that time again—annual conference and AGM. We are very much looking forward to seeing as many Members in Manchester on the 4th Nov as possible. Our Health Check theme will continue to build on our work to ensure the LGBT sector remains resilient and sustainable.

Coupled with this, we will be announcing the development of further more detailed work around sustainable funding for the sector in the next few weeks—we cannot wait to share this with our Members!

Your Engagement Team 

Vicky is our Engagement & Membership Manager and can work with Members to support them in any aspect of running an LGBT group - email Vicky

Philip is our Engagement & Information Officer and among other things, can help Members with all of their Membership needs - email Philip

Martin is our London Engagement Officer who, alongside working on a specific London Mapping project, can offer support to all of our London Members - email Martin

Shaan facilitates our Trans Organisation Network, so if you run a Trans group or project then get in touch with him today - email Shaan
Who you gonna call... 020 7064 6500

David - National LGB&T Partnership Associate

Public Health England has funded the National LGB&T Partnership to lead a project for the next 6 months to encourage and support specialist and mainstream service providers and others to improve the offer for LGBT populations as a way of tackling general as well as specific inequalities in health and wellbeing.

Outputs from the project include a series of focused round table events and a resource for services identifying key issues, policy drives and examples of good practice. Whole systems work in two pilot sites – the London Borough of Lambeth and Leeds - will provide learning for other areas to implement.

Any questions or suggestions, please contact

New Members

A Warm Welcome to our Newest Members!

We are delighted to welcome the following new members to LGBT Consortium.
Please click on the name of the organisation to find out more about them.
3FF (Three Faiths Forum)
Housing for Women
LGBT+ Care Leavers
Sensibus Consulting

Events from our Members

Upcoming Events in October

Here are just a few of the exciting events from our Members which are coming up this month. But we don't have space to list them all here, so please visit the
events page on our website for full details of all the upcoming events.


Thursday 5th October
5pm - 7pm

Proud2Be Social Group

Thursday 12th October
6:30pm - 9:30pm

LGB&T Police Advice Surgery

Monday 9th October
6pm - 8pm

Trans Health Matters Conference 2017

Tuesday 17th October
9am - 5pm

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