Monday, 20 August 2018

LGBT Consortium, London Newsletter

A very warm welcome to the London edition of our Newsletter!
As a UK-wide organisation, we recognise the need for having a separate bulletin for all the work we do in London. One-third of our members are based in the Greater London area and we need to address some of the specific needs and challenges they face and also celebrate the great work they do in the Capital.
You will find news, events, jobs and training opportunities below.


Funding and Fundraising Development Officer

Working as a full time member of LGBT Consortium’s Engagement Team, the successful candidate will provide training, support and resources to Consortium’s Membership of LGBT Voluntary & Community Groups on a wide range of topics to improve Members’ funding knowledge, skills and activities.
Alongside this direct engagement work with Members, the role will help develop Consortium’s wider LGBT Funding support and development work through our Big Lottery Fund and Esmée Fairbairn project.

Find out more about this role and how to apply 

News from City Hall

The London Datastore holds 700 datasets about London. To make this information more accessible, City Hall is launching digital datastore office hours. Email us any questions or queries about London’s data and we will respond, signpost and support you to find what you need.

The online office hours will take place on the 2nd and 4th Friday every month. Requests can be sent in at any time to:

London Networking Event: Meet the Funders 

A networking event for LGBT groups.
Come and meet other organisations and funders to discuss what the future of funding in the LGBT sector looks like.
Refreshment available.

DATE: 3rd of September
Please register 

Sharing your Skills and Knowledge with other LGBT Groups 

Do you want to learn about each other's services, shadow the CEO or draft a project proposal together?        
Apply to host or visit an organisation or group.
The Hosted visits provide an opportunity for organisations to spend focused time together to exchange experience, resources, skills and start new collaborations.
LGBT Consortium are able to make a financial contribution towards participating groups time.
 If you feel that you have skills or experience to share click 
 If there is a specific area of work you would like to develop and feel you could benefit from the experience of another group click here

BI Pride UK event

Bi Pride UK is a national charity which seeks to create celebratory spaces for anyone who experiences attraction beyond gender. To celebrate Bi Visibility Day this September they are hosting a Bi-Lights Variety Show starring American artist Lucy & La Mer alongside other special guests.

The event will take place from 19:00 on Thursday 27th September at The Two Brewers in Clapham and will be hosted by The Bisexual Magician, Marcus Morgan. Early bird tickets available 
For more details see the Bi Pride UK Facebook page

For more information or to have an item included in the next London ebulletin, please email our London Engagement Officer - Martin.

Training & Networking

Regional Round Tables  

Bringing together LGBT organisations and groups operating in London to share common challenges, and locally map the services in the area.

• East London: 11th of September register 
here• West London (Inner): 25th of September register here • North London: 9th of October - register here • South East (Inner): 16th of October - register here • South West (Inner): TBC - register your interest here

Task Force: Organisations and Groups working with Older LGBT+ People and Communities

TASK forces will bring specialist organisations to address the main issues in their area of work by drafting a joint statement and guides to produce a more coherent and united voice as a network and influence decision-makers.

DATE: 21st of September.

 us if you are interested.

Training - Choosing the right Legal Structure for your LGBT Group

Is your group's structure fit for purpose?
Has your group outgrown its original structure?
Does your group's structure allow you to develop new income streams?
Come along to our training session and find out about the different options available to your group.

DATE: 18th of September.

Training - Boosting your LGBT Group's Social Media Presence. 

Baffled by Facebook boosts?
Twitter just something that birds do as far as you're concerned?
Then this is the training session for you!
Come along and find out how to increase your social media presence and get your groups message out there.

DATE: 24th of September.
Find more information and register 

Training - Governance Made Easy

Most people just want to get on with the good work they are doing, but making sure that your group's governance is fit for purpose and following best practice is essential.
This session is great for anyone involved in running a LGBT group - no matter how small, especially trustees, staff and volunteers who lead on operational/constitutional matters.

DATE: 8th of October.
Find more information and register 

Task Force: LGBTQ+ Youth Organisations and Groups

TASK forces will bring specialist organisations to address the main issues in their area of work by drafting a joint statement and guides to produce a more coherent and united voice as a network and influence decision-makers.

Please register your interest 

For more information or to have an item included in the next London ebulletin, please email our London Engagement Officer - Martin.

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